In the context of its Strategic Plan Leading to a Connected Staffordshire, "the County Council intends that the People of Staffordshire will
- Be able to access more good jobs.
- Be healthier and more independent
- Feel happier, safer and more supported by their local community”.
Waterways have the potential to deliver good outputs across each of these areas. This principle “includes collaborating with residents and communities to identify long term solutions on issues that matter to its residents, not just those for which SCC has a statutory responsibility.
- The Strategic Plan states that SCC will
- Promote Staffordshire as a place to invest, live, learn and visit.
- Get more joined up locally and corporately to work with residents, communities and partners to meet local needs more effectively.”
The suggested approach fulfils these criteria, in particular by:
- Creating economic growth
- Improving health and well-being
- Delivering a better place to live
This approach shares the mission of the SCC Sustainable Community Strategy in looking to add value, through partnership working at County level to deliver genuine long term improvements for Staffordshire communities.